Friday, May 20, 2011

Oncologist Visit

Today we had an appointment with Dr. Nagala.

They did not biopsy the large mass on the kidney, just the small nodule they found on the abdomen wall.

The pathology of that confirms that it is "Renal Sarcomatoid", so this is the rare aggressive type they first thought.

I have been experiencing pain even before the aborted surgery that we thought was related to my gall bladder, but we are now thinking it is actually from the cancer.

So, the oncologist is now thinking we should go ahead and do the open surgery to remove the kidney and section of my colon so we can avoid additional complications and also allow the chemo to focus on less cancer to hopefully be more affective.

He will be talking to the Urologist/surgeon to decide if the surgery is too risky without at least attempting to shrink the tumor first, then we will make a decision on when to do it. That will determine when I start the Chemo. I may start before, then pause and do the surgery, then resume, or I may have to wait until after surgery to begin Chemo.

The recommended chemo will not keep me from working, but the surgery will require a couple of weeks of recovery.

The 3 options we discussed were:
1) Sutent (Sunitinib) - Pill
2) Torisel (Temsirolimus) - IV
3) Combination of gemcitabinen and doxorubicin.

Dr. Nagala then said he didn't want option 3, so we didn't discuss it much.
He is recomending option 1 since it is the most known, but is comfortable with option 2 if our copay will be too high for the pills.

1 comment:

The Freds said...

Hi Y'all, I 've tried to make this a blog that we can follow through our own. Means you can see ours too, which isn't very updated, as of now. I sure hope it works for us. It is a good way to keep up with loved friends and family. Seeing new pictures and thoughts makes it feel like we're still so close together.
WE are praying for you guys so much. You are young and a fighter Steve. The Lord will bless you with what he sees fit for you.He knows the beginning to the end and it is our job as to how we handle it, and I venture to say, that you will be one that handles what comes to you , as one of the best. Just the way HE would want you to.
You guys hang in there. I am so glad we have had the opportunity to have the blessing of having you in our lives.
We love you and hope to keep hearing your family updateds. I will try to do more on mine also.