Thursday, May 26, 2011

MD Anderson Visit

I had an appointment today with an oncologist at MD Anderson.
The trial combines 3 drugs. Two are existing chemotherapy drugs but are not approved for use for Kidney cancer. The other one is what normally is used for kidney cancer.
I should be able to be part of the trial as long as my insurance company approves covering the trial. I previously talked with a registered nurse from my insurance company and she said they have to approve clinical trials like this, but MD Anderson is very reputable, so should be approved.
One is a pill taken twice per day, the others are IV taken once a week.
I should be able to continue working but would be required to return to Houston every 8 weeks.

I'm scheduled for several tests tomorrow to verify the Diagnosis and update everything since it has been 6 weeks since the original scans.
Bone Scan
CT Scan
Chest X-ray
They want a head MRI as well, but it got scheduled for next Friday, so they will try to move it up, or see if it can be done back home.

I will be getting another appointment with the oncologist after the scans tomorrow
He was actually talking about starting the protocol on Monday if we are able to get everything completed.

He did say that he didn't feel that surgery to remove the kidney was an option right now, but maybe if the tumor shrinks with treatment we can do that.

1 comment:

Nurse Laura said...

Steve, have they mentioned doing a PET (positron emission tomography)scan? It does not show structures, it shows moledular activity which is generally increased in cancer cells. Perhaps it is not relevant in your situation, but I sort of expected you would have one as part of the diagnostics. You can always ask your docs, but mostly I thought I'd mention it as it may come up at some point.
Hope you are doing alright, its a lot to take in and cope with.